Saturday, January 29, 2011

how to know if ur bf cheating on u.

1. Your boyfriend suddenly becomes more caring and becomes more attentive to your needs than usual.

2. Your boyfriend starts showering you with gifts for no apparent reason.

3. You start getting a gut feeling that something isn't right in your relationship.

4. Your boyfriend constantly talks about ending your relationship each time you argue or fight.

5. Your boyfriend constantly picks fights with you.

6. Your mate is excited when leaving you but quiet and moody when he is with you.

7. Your communication starts to break down and you know it's not your fault.

8. Your boyfriend's tastes change e.g. his clothing, music etc...

9. Your boyfriend continually criticizes another girl whom you think he normally would be attracted to.

10. Your boyfriend starts to criticise things about you that he used to find attractive and appealing before.

11. Your mate stops doing something that he knows you really enjoy.

12. Your boyfriend would rather spend time with his friends than be with you.

13. He doesn't want to talk about your future relationship.

14. He stops being affectionate to you.

15. He has been acting emotionally distant recently.

16. He's not interested in being intimate any more.

17. He becomes offended when you make simple natural enquiries about situations or people that involve him.

18. instict!!most important thing.

These are some of the many signs that you can use to tell if you boyfriend or partner is cheating on you. Remember though that they may be signs that something else is wrong in your relationship or they could be a result of stress unrelated to your relationship.

If you suspicions are based on a particular incident or incidents, it's best to confront your boyfriend right away to establish the truth.

if u read this..u'll know how i feel.devastated

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

ont un bon voyage

have a safe journey cueh.gonna miss u..i always pray for the best for u..umur pnjang jumpa lg gonna be a lot diff from penang.hehehe...take cre..
yours truly nephew,
warda m

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

paris oh paris

semua mesti pelik ni mnjd pilihan...hahahahhaah..insyallah im goin there...for real..since cueh kn posting sna..atok pun nk pi..n me akan teman dats y la i cr keja..sbb nk pocket money msa pi snaaa..finally dpt gak merasa pakai trenchcoat n boots!!!

n.n.n.kalu xjd pi n him ad plan nk go holiday..destination : bandung/bali/ dlm malaysia ja..i'll suggest lam malaysia ja..since mcm2 nature disaster duk jd kat tgh plan..hope everything go well...keja oh keja plz come to me..i need work..dh mntk bnyk ni...xkn 1 pun xleh approve..

Friday, January 7, 2011

shah alam

we made it!!for the first tme ever me n wanee pi shah alam..yup only both of us...tgk mak how ur daughters hve grown up..=)..start with cr jaln nk msul shah alam untill reaching there, all about the journey mmg skit jantung..iyela kn first tme ngan bodoh alam gler psal shah alam...ish3..dh smpai, then nk cr seamaster plak..another disaster..alhamdulillah we find it!!!one word for s.alam!!b o r i n g!!yup dats it..then me drive all da way to nott!!!yesss made it dgn bantuan mrsignboard..roundabout yg tersangt la byk n bsr2...wats wrong with so many roundabout??hmm curious la..pi uitm s.alam yg besar xtaw brapa kali gnda dr uitm arau...but who knows..thank god sbb study kat arau...atlist arau cozy skit..xpdt jumpa reza..sedih tp nk bt cmner bz n mcm2 cancer kn.yesss im addicted to him...

Thursday, January 6, 2011


new heading : GIRL with tanned skin.
colours of malaysia.

p/s:sayang i love u..ja

Saturday, January 1, 2011


new chapter:new gossip:new issue:new serabut bagai:new kelamkabut:new controversy:


mind my own business.stay away.dun say i dun remind u